Creative Director + Copywriter +
Content Strategist + Consultant

It’s rare to find such versatility in a writer. Sara has the voice, the skill and the strategic acumen to represent brands at the highest echelon.
— Brendan McKenna, SVP, Executive Creative Director at Publicis Groupe

My proficiency as a Creative Director and Content Strategist is built on my extensive experience as a Copywriter. This perspective helps keep my purpose clear: Engage and drive action with storytelling, simplify the complex, and make it clear why someone should care.

Over 20+ years, I’ve helped some of the biggest brands in the finance, telecom, transportation, tech, CPG, and non-profit industries exceed their goals, while winning some awards along the way.

How can I help your business?

Featured Project

Award-winning small business customer acquisition campaign that performed over 150% of goal.

I’ve had the privilege of working with some world-class brands:

I look forward to working with you!